The Top 5 CPA Networks to Join How You Can Generate Natural Traffic to Your CPA Offer
The Top 5 CPA Networks
If you are
an affiliate marketer, the first step you need to take to earn good money
through with online advertising is
to join as many CPA networks as possible. Different CPA networks have their own various lead programs that
marketers can use. Choose those with high pay per lead and good resell options, as this will lead to higher income
generation for you. 8 of the top CPA networks include:
1 AzoozleAds – Has over 300
affiliate programs you can promote. Payment is monthly with a minimum of $50. Azoozle Ads offers
international publishers. Their programs are easy to market.
2 NeverBlueADs – More than 24 program
levels that you can use for promotion. Users of this network
pay a monthly fee through PayPal. Usability is excellent, and the programs are
in a format that is easy for you to find.
3 Affiliate
Future – A popular affiliate network based in England, but international
publishers can join. The minimum
payment is twenty pounds made using BACS/wire transfer. Some of the popular offers on this network are also available
on other popular networks.
4 COPEAC – You
can earn commission of up to 2% just for referring other marketers to their network. Marketers can use Cost per Sale or Cost per Acquisition techniques to promote offers.
A $100 minimum monthly payment
is done either through
wire transfer or through
5 MaxBounty
– As a marketer you must have your
own website to use MaxBounty for affiliate marketing.
International publishers are allowed. This network has a good reputation. A $50 minimum
pay applies.
How You Can Generate
Natural Traffic to Your CPA Offer
If you want
to promote your campaign for your CPA offer, you need to make sure that you are able to generate enough traffic to your
site(s) using the natural search engines. This means you need to learn how to enlist your site with the many search
engines such as Google, Yahoo, or MSN.
The higher the rank your site has in the search engines, the more money you are
going to be able to generate. So
how can you ensure that you have a high page rank? There are actually two basic ways you
can do that.
1 On Page Factors
What this means is that you need to use keywords
that are very direct and intelligent as well as keywords
that are highly relevant to any of the offers you provide. This also means that
you need to make sure that your html
tags contain the keywords, along with any of your H1, H2 and/or H3 tags, picture tags, video tags and your URLs should
always contain the keywords.
2 Off Page Factors
What this
means is that you need to promote your website by using other websites to do
so. This will depend on how deep of a
connection you have with the other websites in order to be able to maximize
the benefits from these sites.
You will need to make sure that you are keeping an eye on the anchor text, the number of
inbound links, and the IP address which you use to link to your page with
some of these sites.
Something else
you can consider is misspelled keywords. While often overlooked it can be a great way to increase your traffic to your
site. When users type the name of the product/service they are looking for into the search engine, many times they
are spelling it wrong. What you should do is take the time to create
a separate group
of keywords that are misspelled in Yahoo, Google,
Msn, and any of the other search engines you are targeting on. When you do
this, you are able to direct those misspelled
keyword searches straight to your website without any real hassle and those are potential customers
that are being overlooked by the masses. There’s great opportunities
Now that you have
some solid tips on how to generate CPA offers what are you waiting for? Why Do So Many
CPA Affiliate Markets Fail
You’re ready
to quit your day job –tell your boss to take a hike and head on over to the
online world to take advantage of
internet marketing. You sit into the wee hours of the morning obsessed. Everything sounds amazing from
Facebook money making to email marketing to making
money on YouTube. It makes sense to you, so you buy a course. This is like the
gold rush of the 1800s and you are
about to strike it rich - The next
thing you know, your brain runs out
of room for the clutter, your wallet is empty and your dream dies before it
ever gets off the ground. Yet you
could have avoided all of this. You really could have struck gold – so what did you do
You Quit Too Soon – It’s Also What CPA Marketers Do Far Too Often
If you don’t
buy a ticket to the lottery, you can’t win. Never have truer words been said.
The prize for internet marketing
isn’t just big – it’s huge – its life changing. If you want to succeed, you need
to ‘never say die.’
That attitude is will guarantee
that you will eventually enjoy success. Hang on
to your day job for a little longer, put your energy into getting your CPA marketing
off the ground, and then you will be ready
to quit with success already
in your pocket.
Running Before You Walk
In other
words, too much too fast, which will reduce your chances of making decent money online. It’s much better to work towards
making and extra $20 a day then to go too BIG right from the beginning, spreading yourself
too thin because you believe
that you need to be making
$100 a day right now! Slow and steady really does win the online race. That’s how you will enjoy successful CPA marketing.
Is Your CPA Marketing
Actually Working?
If you want to
be successful working online, you need to ready to test and tweak everything
you do in an ongoing fashion. It’s
common for newbie’s to CPA marketing to be reckless and this often results in some profit, but the
problem is you aren’t able to pinpoint just how or why you made the money so you aren’t able to
duplicate your results. You need to be smarter than that – you need
to keep good notes. Try something – wait – evaluate.
CPA Marketing Done Right Means Success
Do it right, take your time, be patient,
be flexible and you can enjoy CPA Marketing success.