

What is the SEO? and the best practices to create URL


S   E   O

What is the SEO?

·       SEO stands for  “Search Engine Optimization” it’s a strategy and some tools you have to combine it together to help you rank your website in the first results of search engines results it’s very important if you have a website to learn how to make it compatible with search engines you can learn and do yourself.

Let’s start and know more about SEO

The most important things to do when you create the main page title:

·       main page title must be unique at the site and never share this title with another page

·       main page title must describe briefly and accurately the page content.

·       the main keyword and its synonyms should be a part of the main title 

the main title should be convenient not too long not too short we can test that using this free tool from Google https://www.serpsimulator.com/


The best practices on URL:


·       using understandable language when you create the URL  

·       never use the nonclear symbols

·       use clear structural and clear names

·        repeat the main keyword and its synonyms in the text by logic

·       Use images and videos if possible

·       Write the main keyword and its synonyms in the meta description tag

·       Page loading speed you can test it by using (page speed insights) for free from Google.

·       The compatibility with the smartphones and tablets you can test it by using (mobile-friendly test)

·       The site should be encrypted by HTTPS:// protocol

stay tuned for more articles about SEO I will cover all what you need to know about SEO in a couple of articles make sure to follow up .

Next article will be about SERP and keywords .

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