Images and tags optimization.
SEO for images
Images is one of the most important things that people are doing
search on it on the internet, so we must use it and optimize it this give it a
high potentially to show up in Google images which will lead to our website
once it had been clicked
How to optimize e the image
the image by a name describing its content and contains the keyword.
image size and keeping it in good quality at the same time we can do this using
tinypng tool also you can use the professional photo editing software like
photo shop or Canva and it’s better to Save it in jpg format it’s lite
alternate text it’ very important to add alt text to the image and it’s for two
A-Helping the search engines to understand the
image content
B- In case of the
image is unavailable due technical issues or loading issues the alt text will
show up instead of the image and it’s much better than keeping it as error or
empty space.
Try to analyze the pages
that you are searching on it and apply the
SEO factors that they are
using on your own page
Tags optimization
Tags optimization is one of the most important things that we
should consider it because it helps of showing more details and specifications
in search results.
If you are a WordPress user there is an amazing extension you can
add to your backend in this extension you add the page URL and the keywords it
will appear in search results and will not appear in page URL
This tool is YOSAT SEO
And this how to add it: plugins/add new/search for Yoast SEO /install
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